"Back it up"- The approach that works!

When a patient comes to me with a complaint, I want to help them feel better as quickly as possible. It’s tempting to look at a diagnosis or symptom and try to fix it with some miracle nutrient or protocol.

Yet I can tell you from years of experience that this approach rarely works.

Bioindividuality Rules

People are very complex, and the roots of their suffering are unique. What led us each to the same sign, symptom or diagnosis—whether it be weight gain, fatigue, Hashimoto’s, PCOS or breast cancer—will be different. We each have a different set of histories and life circumstances that make our STORY.  This is the principle of bioindividuality, and there are myriad factors that apply here.

Think of it this way: How many recipes can you find for chocolate cake?

Patients and their complex of symptoms are as varied as those recipes. Each is different and unique.

Everyone has a different set of “ingredients” that led to a result with the same name.

What serves them, and you, is to start from the beginning. To “back it up.”

How to Back It Up

In order to “back it up,” you have to ask the right questions, know how the body works, and have a trusted and Functional framework for systematically uncovering more data. It’s the process—the journey—and the information you discover during that process, that informs your next steps of care.

Think of it like building a house.

Although you might know what color you want to paint your bedroom, you don’t paint before you build the bedroom itself. You don’t decorate with an organic wool rug before the floors are installed. You don’t put the second story on before the first.

And you don’t do anything before you lay the foundation.

The foundation isn’t the most fun, or the prettiest. It’s not what gets your house featured in a magazine, but without it, your house cannot stand.

Health is the same.

And so is healthcare.

If the patient is to truly thrive there are things you must do first before any of the cutting edge work can be done.

You have to look at things like nutrition and hydration, sleep and relaxation, exercise and movement. And all these modifications are not based on a protocol in a book or an idealized set of standards, but instead on the needs and resources of the individual.

And we can’t ignore the role of digestion in optimizing the key nutrients you’re looking to incorporate!

We “back it up” to your skillset that’s required to help you succeed. We “back it up” to your digestive capacities. And we “back it up” to basic physiological functions—like blood sugar balance and functional elimination.

That’s how you get to those roots, differentiate your care, and enable you to step into your healing potential.


10 Tips to improve Digestion