Added nutrients for formula fed babies

This month’s theme is Pediatric Health. I think most of us already know that breastfeeding is beneficial for baby’s growing immune system. But what if you can’t/won’t/don’t breastfeed your baby? Can you still provide beneficial nutrients for THEIR budding immunity?

YES! This week I want to challenge the formula feeding mothers out there to consider adding one or all of the following to baby’s bottle:

· Ensure adequate omega 3’s—for body and brain development; it is recommended approx. 200 mg each of EPA and DHA found in fish oil added directly to formula. Ensure the purity and safety of our fish oil source.

· Include infant probiotics—specifically Bifidobacteria in each bottle (do not heat). This is the essential bacterial they would receive through breast milk to give their immune system the best fighting chance. Just a pinch is fine.

· Colostrum—contains high amounts of immunoglobulin A to help coat the lining of baby’s intestine and prevent bacteria ingested by the infant from entering into their bloodstream.

· Fermented cod liver oil—which is high in fat soluble vitamins that will help nervous system function and cellular communication. ¼ tsp in the bottle gives the formula an extra nutrient boost.

For more information on nutritional health for mom and baby book a FREE discovery call! Discovery calls only take about 15 minutes and you can decide if my services are right for you!


Your Child's Immunity


What is Functional Nutrition?